Obesity is a major health problem. People of all ages, including children and the elderly, are at risk for weight problems these days. Losing weight can be difficult but strict diet control and changing your lifestyle can help in managing weight. Adopting a healthy diet that has a less amount of fat and sugar is very important. A sedentary and inactive life can make you retain weight. If you do physical activities and are active, you can also reduce your weight.

People who cannot lose weight with diet and exercise on their own can join a medical weight loss program. It is a specialized program in which doctors and medical professionals help you lose weight. Licensed health professionals guide you and teach you to make healthy food choices and change your lifestyle. We at Avellina Aesthetics offer the best medical weight loss program for people struggling with weight problems. The benefits of joining a weight loss program are as follows.

A Medical Weight Loss Program Finds The Root Of Your Obesity Problem

Doctors in a medical weight loss program find what are the factors that make you obese. They analyze your current situation to find solutions to your weight problem. Our programs for Medical Weight Loss in Philadelphia helps people improve their health and find lasting solutions to weight issues.

  • Finding the root cause of obesity and what is stopping you from losing weight is very important

  • The program analyzes your physical health and finds the reasons ‌you are struggling

  • It also finds psychological factors that stop you from leading a healthy life and losing weight

  • Medical professionals design the best weight loss program based on your physical and mental state

You Learn How To Eat Healthy For Your Own Body

Unlike a one-size-fits-all diet, which often results in failure or yo-yo dieting, the weight loss program offered by Avellina Aesthetics personalizes your diet based on your individual needs. After getting to understand your history and the contributing causes of your particular case, we help you develop a healthy diet best suited for you.

Additionally, with our program, you get the benefit of nutritional counseling in which you can learn about how to make healthy food choices. You have access to medical professionals who will be there to support you every step of the way to answer any questions and provide encouragement.

A Weight Loss Program That Teaches You How To Exercise

Losing weight isn’t just about dieting. It requires a change in lifestyle and being active. A medical weight loss program helps you learn about the best exercises for your body and current condition. Just as having a support system while dieting, having an exercise counselor to keep you motivated and on track is often key to helping those who have difficulty committing to a workout schedule.

Our medical experts guide you in knowing which exercises to do, how much and how often, and when it’s time for an adjustment in your regimen. These personalized plans developed by your doctor help ensure successful, long-term results.


A personalized weight loss program isn’t only better for successful long-term results, it is also the safest approach to weight management.

Risks without professional medical supervision include:

  • Not balancing the proper nutrients and calories for optimal results and health

  • Developing an eating disorder or putting yourself under too much mental stress

  • Harming or injuring yourself with excessive or improper exercise

  • Falling into a harmful cycle of yo-yo dieting (rapid weight gain and loss)


Overweight people who start dieting or exercising without proper supervision are at risk of getting frustrated, feeling defeated, and either giving up or falling back into bad habits. 

  • When a doctor is there to supervise you in a weight loss program, you are more likely to follow good eating habits and keep up with an exercise schedule because they were designed for you.

  • Medical professionals don’t judge you and accept you the way you are in a weight loss program. We are here to support and encourage you to increase your chances of success.


Instead of making the same weight loss program for everybody, a medical weight loss program is customized according to the individual needs of a person

  • Your doctor will design a personalized program for you after considering factors like current weight, general health, and the lifestyle you lead.

  • A customized weight loss program helps in fulfilling specific weight loss needs of an individual.

There is no shortcut to weight loss. Careful planning of diet and lifestyle helps in improving health and managing weight. It takes time and effort to lose weight, but a weight loss program helps you achieve this goal with long-lasting results.

Avellina Aesthetics’ weight loss programs are designed to achieve safe and gradual weight loss, with your long-term health in mind.. People who want to join our medical weight loss program can contact us.