Having full, plump, and beautiful lips is a dream of many women. Unfortunately, not every woman is naturally blessed with this juicy gift. Perhaps that is the reason why women spend millions of dollars each year on lip care products such as lip balms, lipstick, and the like to improve the appearance of their lips. 

However, such makeup products can only temporarily enhance the appearance of the lips. As we age, our bodies lose fluid and our skin loses its elasticity, which is why we get wrinkles. The same thing can greatly affect our lips—with age, they lose their volume and might even lose their natural color. This is where injectable fillers come into play. They can give women fuller, plumper, and sexy lips for that perfect pout. Juvederm Lip Injections are trusted by many people, as it is FDA-approved, safe, and provides excellent results.

About Juvederm


Juvederm contains hyaluronic acid, which is naturally found in the human body. Hyaluronic acid is like a magic potion because it delivers nutrients to the skin, hydrates the skin by holding many times its own weight in water, and acts as a cushioning agent. 

Juvederm injectable gel is FDA-approved and has been proven to smooth out wrinkles and restore facial volume by replacing the skin's natural hyaluronic acid that is lost in the aging process. 

Juvederm Ultra XC is usually the filler of choice for lip enhancement due to its exceptionally smooth texture. Each syringe also contains lidocaine, a numbing agent to reduce the pain of the injections. 

This filler lifts and adds volume to treated areas, giving the lips a plump and pouty look. Results can last up to a year with only one treatment, while keeping the lips soft and natural. 

How is Juvederm Used?

Juvederm is injected only in a clinical setting. It is not for sale for home use. A doctor or clinician injects the gel into the appropriate treatment areas and, as it seeps in, allows the gel to provide a substitute for the lost tissue and collagen that disappears from skin as you get older. It is particularly effective for smile lines, fine lines, lip wrinkles, and other prominent creases and folds on the face.

How is it Different from Other Fillers?

One of the best things about Philadelphia Juvederm is the fact that it is FDA-approved for a year's worth of results. This is much longer than results that one can achieve through other fillers, which for you means fewer touch-ups. It uses hyaluronic acid for the gel to create a smooth consistency and a more natural appearance. This is also what makes it stand out, as many of the other fillers of this type have a granular consistency.

Is the Treatment Painful?

The smooth consistency of this gel greatly reduces the amount of pain felt by the patient. However, there is likely to be some degree of discomfort both during and after the treatment. Doctors use the finest needle possible to allow the gel to flow smoothly, reducing injection pain as much as possible. Some clinics also choose to numb the treatment area beforehand to ensure that the patient feels no pain during injection. However, people with a higher threshold for discomfort might not need any such topical anesthetic.

Are There Side Effects?

Though this procedure is considered very safe, it has a few side effects. These are usually quite mild. Those who do experience the side effects usually notice some redness of the skin or slight discomfort in the area where the gel was injected. However, this is not permanent and usually goes away within a few days. 

Additionally, some may notice some bruising or bumps on the face, which tends to disappear in about a week's time. However, we would once again like to emphasize that these side effects are rare. But just in case you are doing this treatment for an event, it may be best to get this procedure done at least a week before to look flawless and assure that you have completely healed. 

What Is the Cost Of Juvederm Filler?

The Juvederm filler is usually priced depending on the number of syringes needed, which is typically one per session. However, if two are required to get the job done, you will likely not be charged exactly double, as most clinics offer some discount on the second one. 

How Long Does It Take for Juvederm To Work?

One of the things that most users love about Juvederm is that you can see the results immediately. The skin looks excellent directly after the treatment, and the best part is that it doesn't look like you have undergone any treatment at all. It makes the skin look very natural.

How Do You Prepare for Juvederm Treatment?

If you have decided to undergo Juvederm treatment, it is advised not to take aspirin or ibuprofen for at least a week before the procedure. You might also want to seek medical advice if you are under certain medications. Only discontinue your medications under the approval of your physician.  

The most important thing you must remember when considering fillers for lip enhancement or augmentation is that you should retain your lips' natural contour and shape for best results. The next step is to speak to an experienced doctor and discuss the look you want to achieve to get the best results and avoid an unnatural result. Last but not least, remember that with filler, less is more! 
You can always get additional injections during your follow-up appointments, so avoid injecting too much filler in one treatment since it may be difficult to remove if desired. If you have read the above and are ready for the lips you have been dreaming about, Book an appointment and discuss your concerns with our professionals.